Under the provisions of the California Public Records Act (Government Code Sections 6250 et seq.) I request a copy of the following, which are public records held by the Animal Services agency:
Describe the records you are seeking here. For example:
Animal Records
The electronic case-management record for each of the animals taken up by the agency between April 1, 2014 and April 30, 2014 inclusive. The record should contain the following information:
- Color intake photograph
- Description of the animal (e.g., species, gender, color, assigned breed designation, etc.)
- Date/time of intake
- Notations concerning the type of intake (e.g., stray, owner-surrender, over-the-counter, field, etc.)
- Notations concerning the condition of the animal on intake
- All other notes or memos pertaining to intake
- Date due out (signifying the end of the holding period)
- Date/time of outcome
- Notations concerning the type of outcome (e.g., adoption, release to rescue, euthanasia, etc.)
- Notations concerning the condition of the animal at outcome
- All other notes or memos pertaining to outcome
- Reason for euthanasia (if euthanasia was performed)
- Notations of any medical examinations, attention, treatments, prognoses, or diagnoses provided, including the name of the provider and all veterinary records and notes for the animal
- Notations of any temperament or behavioral tests performed on the animal, including the name of the tester
- Notations of any holds requested for the animal
Euthanasia Log
The Controlled Substance log (aka Euthanasia log or Opened Container log) for the time period from April 1, 2014 to May 15, 2014 inclusive. The log should contain an entry for each animal on which euthanasia was performed, including the following information:
- Date of euthanasia
- Identification of the drug administered
- Identification of the animal
- Unique bottle number
- Reason for euthanasia
- Dosage administered (amount used from the bottle)
- Balance (amount remaining in the bottle)
- Identification of the person performing the procedure
Shelter Policies
Any written policies, protocols, procedures, or guidelines pertaining to the following:
- Temperament or behavioral testing
- Rescue group access to animals
I would like these records in electronic form, either in the original form in which they are stored by the agency, or in any other electronic form in which they can be produced.
Please reply with a determination on this request within ten days, as required by law. If duplication costs will exceed $50, please notify me before you duplicate any paper records.
[Include your contact information]
Thank you and best regards,